Programming Languages

Python – Part #4 (Classes, Constructors & Objects)

One of the key concepts in object-oriented programming is the idea of classes, constructors, and objects. A class in Python is a blueprint or a template for creating objects that share a common structure and behavior. It defines a set of attributes (variables) and methods (functions) that the objects of that class will have. Constructors

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Python – Part #1 (Data Types, Arithmetic Operators & Conditional Statements)

Brief Definition: Python apart from being the name of a snake type, it’s an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. It’s widely used for data structures, machine learning, artificial intelligence, database management, app development, scripting, web development, etc. It’s an outstanding programming language because its syntax emphasizes readability to make it more understandable

Python – Part #1 (Data Types, Arithmetic Operators & Conditional Statements) Read More »